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Literary translations

Dr. phil Renate Kock - Literary translations

Here are two of the books and collections of texts that I translated, introduced and edited from French into German:




Célestin Freinet: Enfance - KindheitCélestin Freinet:
Enfance - Kindheit
Childhood in the French Maritime Alps around nineteen hundred.
(Translated into German, introduced and edited by Renate Kock), Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler 2021

Cover picture (from Vence): Renate Kock





Raymond Bénévent: Von Freinet zu FreudClaude Mouchet/Raymond Bénévent:
Von Freinet zu Freud
Fernand Oury's institutional pedagogy.
(Translated by Renate Kock and Erdmuthe Mouchet with the collaboration of Claude Mouchet), Peter Lang GmbH, International Publisher of Science, Frankfurt am Main 2015